Sustainability in the fashion sector for its internationalisation


The Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá - CCB (Bogota Chamber of Commerce), in Colombia, is the entity representing the interests of Bogota's business community and serves as an advisory body to the Colombian Government. It has ample experience in strengthening the business sector and innovation, as well as in the development of programmes that promote the competitiveness of various business clusters. Within this framework, a strong collaborative relationship has been forged with the Clúster de Moda Sostenible de Perú - Sustainable Fashion Cluster of Peru, leading to the development of projects that have allowed them to exchange knowledge and strengthen the capacities of both entities in order to support the growth of the fashion sector in Colombia and Peru.

In turn, the Finnova Foundation has a long history of supporting innovation in companies, regions and municipalities, specialising in sustainable development, circular economy, water and waste management, employment and youth, among others. Building on this experience, the CCB and Finnova have signed a memorandum of understanding to share expertise in project management and European funding opportunities.

The CCB, thanks to its extensive experience in the management of projects and initiatives financed by the European Union, and particularly, its experience as a provider entity in the framework of the EDEM Triangular Cooperation project, co-financed and implemented in the first phase of ADELANTE, has identified the opportunity to engage the Sustainable Fashion Cluster of Peru and Finnova in a Triangular Cooperation Partnership. The aim is to harness the experiences, knowledge and good practices of the three entities to jointly develop models of support to companies in the fashion sector, with a strong focus on sustainable production.

Entities and roles

Beneficiary entities

First provider entities

Second provider entities

Development challenges

This Triangular Cooperation Initiative aimed to strengthen the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, the Sustainable Fashion Cluster of Peru and Finnova so that they can develop tools to support entrepreneurs in the fashion sector who wish to access the European market. To this end, it aimed to maximise the knowledge of the Partnership's entities on the obligatory requirements and regulations in the framework of the European Green Deal, and other laws or certifications that allow them to access new markets, as well as on strategies for strengthening business models, minimising environmental impact and contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goals 10, 13 and 17.

This Triangular Cooperation Initiative sought to share the expertise of the Partnership member entities to develop and apply models of support to businesses in the fashion sector, with the aim of promoting sustainable production in line with the highest international standards.

Triangular approach

The Latin American fashion sector, and in Colombia in particular, has grown exponentially in the last decade, creating high-quality and innovative products with high export potential. However, companies in the fashion sector in Bogotá are not familiar with the European market, its environmental regulations, and in general, the consumption trends of European consumers, which are increasingly more discerning due to their concern for the industry's impact on the environment and human rights. Similarly, the lack of strategies, tools and incentives for internationalisation has affected the creation of circular economy ecosystems, as well as a lack of compliance with sustainability standards or certifications, which ultimately means that the sector is not competitive in a globalized world.

Given this situation, the expertise of the Peruvian Sustainable Fashion Cluster in traceability of the production process was sought, together with its experience in positioning companies in the national and international market based on the commitment to environmental sustainability, gender and human rights. In addition, Finnova lent its expertise in promoting environmental sustainability, social inclusion and the circular economy, together with its knowledge of the European market and current legislation.

In this regard, through this Triangular Cooperation Initiative, the Partnership member entities combined their expertise to create tools to support business growth by introducing them in the European market, while also contributing to environmental sustainability and respect for human rights.

Sectoral approach - Contribution to the 2030 Agenda

Primary SDG

Goal 12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources

Secondary SDG

Goal 13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning


Goal 10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard

Goal 17.16 Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries

Territorial approach

Intervention methodology

The work plan of this Triangular Cooperation Initiative aimed to create training opportunities for businesses in the fashion sector, through a process that would allow them to quickly learn and apply this knowledge. At the same time, exchanges were made between the Partnership member entities and entities in the fashion industry in the three participating countries, in order to produce a practical guide that would encourage the replication of the support plan for businesses in the sector.

To this end, a methodology was designed based on seven activities, starting with a cycle of virtual workshops, where knowledge was transferred to employees and officials of the three Partnership entities on topics such as requirements for access to the European market, sustainability, gender and human rights.

In parallel to the workshops, a seminar was held for entrepreneurs and entities in the fashion sector in Colombia, where the work programme of the Initiative was presented. In addition, training opportunities were open to the public, and a call was announced for a select number of companies to participate in the study visits to Spain and Peru.

Throughout the implementation phase of the Initiative, a study was carried out, which resulted in a knowledge management guide that gathered the insights acquired through the different activities. The guide will support future processes of internationalisation of companies in the fashion sector.

In addition, a training course was offered for businesses and entrepreneurs in the fashion sector in Bogotá on issues associated with access to the European market, sustainable production processes and requirements for obtaining 'green labels' and certifications.

In the second half of the Initiative, two study visits were carried out; one to Peru and the other to Spain, providing opportunities for networking and collaboration with companies and entities in the fashion world related to sustainability and innovation in the sector. A select number of companies from Bogotá participated in these visits, which were chosen following a public call for proposals announced at the seminar.

Lastly, an international congress was held with the participation of entities and businesses from the three Partnership countries, where the results of the Initiative and the knowledge management guide were presented, with an emphasis on sustainability and good business practices for actors in the fashion sector who wish to access the European market.

Seminar: Presentation of the Triangular Cooperation Initiative
Bogota, Colombia  |24 November 2022


Study visit to Peru
Lima, Peru  |13 - 17 February 2023


Study visit to Spain
Madrid and Valencia, Spain  |13 - 18 March 2023


International Congress on Sustainability for the Fashion Sector
Bogota, Colombia  |04 April 2023


Direct beneficiaries (individuals)

According to Rule 9 of the Guidelines for Applicants: all persons participating in the activities of the Initiative.

This initiative directly benefited more than 70 professionals from the Partnership member entities; primarily employees of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce in different areas of work and productive clusters, who will be responsible for applying the knowledge management guide to support entrepreneurs in the fashion sector looking to go global with their business.

In addition, through the activities of the Initiative (especially the kick-off seminar, the training course for entrepreneurs and the congress), approximately 250 entrepreneurs from the fashion sector were involved, along with professionals from entities affiliated with the CCB and students of fashion sector programmes.


EU contribution: 116,837.09 €

Co-financing - Triangular Cooperation Partnership: 71,714.00 €

Total budget: 188,551.09 €

The information gathered in this IMPACT section is the result of the first 'joint ex post analysis exercise' of the Initiative which, as foreseen in the policy framework of the ADELANTE Window, took place one year after the end of the implementation period.

For more information on these exercises, please consult the ADELANTE Window 2021 Impact Report.

Continuity of the Partnership

STARTING POINT: Existing North-South and South-South relationship that has been strengthened by the combination of both modalities (with the Beneficiary entity as the unifying partner).

The Partnership has been strengthened and maintained over time.

The dynamic of collaboration and joint work has been maintained between all the Partnership member entities involved in the Initiative.

In addition, new entities have been incorporated.

The incorporation of APC Colombia as a member of the Partnership provided resources for the development of a diagnostic tool for companies in the fashion sector.

Application of generated knowledge

The knowledge generated has been applied by all Partnership member entities.

This has led to an increased interest among fashion companies in Colombia and Peru, which will receive support in the process of expanding their business abroad.

During implementation, the Initiative involved final beneficiaries (fashion companies in Colombia and Peru).

The Beneficiary entity and First provider entity have continued to work closely with these groups, who have benefited from and applied the knowledge generated throughout the Initiative.


Applying this knowledge has enabled the Beneficiary entity to successfully tackle the development challenge that gave rise to the Initiative with the necessary quality assurance. At the same time, the other Partnership member entities have increased the impact of their interventions.

In addition, it has led to high-impact actions beyond those planned in the Initiative, such as the development of a new project under the EU’s AL-INVEST Verde programme.


Mutual trust and a good rapport between the individuals from the Partnership member entities.
The relevance of the Triangular Cooperation modality.
The relevance of the knowledge generated as a response to the challenges of the Beneficiary entities and the final beneficiary groups.
The well-designed framework of relations throughout implementation of the Initiative, which has enabled political / institutional support at the highest level and has been widely acknowledged by the business sector.

Future perspectives

Maintain the working dynamic of the Partnership and its receptiveness to new entities.

Continue efforts to apply knowledge by the Beneficiary entity and the First provider entity.

Continue to make progress in the transfer of knowledge to the beneficiary groups, monitoring and evaluating the impact in their respective areas of intervention.


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