Contribution to sustainable rural production through a Gender-sensitive and Cultural Approach


The Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez - UNISS (Cuba) has successfully collaborated with the Hidroagrícola de Guanajuato - Hydro-agricultural infrastructure of Guanajuato (Mexico) in the field of rural development and food security, focusing on issues related to efficient food production, and with Solidaridad para el Desarrollo y la Paz - Solidarity for Development and Peace - SODePAZ (Spain), centred on sustainable production through a gender-sensitive and cultural approach. Through these experiences, the entities have shared their specialised expertise related to sustainable rural production.

In response to the effects of climate change, UNISS has taken on new challenges in its various fields of action, including rural development and food security. The framework for dialogue with the Federación de Mujeres Cubanas - Federation of Cuban Women - FMC (Cuba) and the Sectorial Provincial de Cultura y Arte Sancti Spíritus - Provincial Department of Culture and Arts - SPCASS (Cuba) has also proven to be essential, as they have contributed to highlighting the importance of rigorously incorporating a gender sensitive and culture approach as a success factor for sustainable production, starting with the planning stage and throughout the life cycle of the interventions.

In order to respond to these challenges, the UNISS plans to design an intervention strategy in the medium term with a gender-sensitive and cultural approach, and to lead several direct interventions on sustainable production that specifically respond to the needs of Sancti Spíritus.

In light of this scenario, the strategic relationship between all the above-mentioned entities has been formalised and strengthened, forming a Partnership to which two additional strategic public stakeholders have been added on a permanent basis, both with direct authority in the relevant areas of operation: the Ministerio de la Agricultura - Ministry of Agriculture - MINAG (Cuba) and the Subdelegación de Medio Ambiente Sancti Spíritus - Regional Office for the Environment of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente - Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment - CITMA (Cuba).

Entities and roles

First provider entities

Second provider entities

Development challenges

Thanks to this Triangular Cooperation Initiative, the Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez (UNISS) was able to harness all of the knowledge, experience and relational capital on issues related to sustainable food production, as well as the incorporation of a gender sensitive and cultural approach of the Hidroagrícola de Guanajuato and Solidaridad para el Desarrollo y la Paz (SODePAZ). This transfer of knowledge has contributed to their objectives in the field of rural development and food security, which include designing a medium-term intervention strategy with a gender-sensitive and cultural approach, while leading several direct interventions on sustainable production that specifically respond to the needs of the province.

The other Partnership entities also benefitted from this triangular approach, both because of the new knowledge acquired in the field of sustainable production (from which MINAG and CITMA will especially benefit) and the incorporation of a gender-sensitive and cultural approach (from which FMC and SPCASS will particularly benefit), in addition to the partnership-based strategy.

This triangular approach also involved professionals from a number of farms in the province, where the knowledge shared throughout the Initiative was applied from the very start. The smooth running of the process even helped attract more productive units than had been initially planned, and led to an interesting dynamic of direct knowledge sharing among them. In fact, the analysis of the impact of this knowledge on farm production and on the quality of life in those areas has been an important source of insights for all Partnership member entities.

This Triangular Cooperation Initiative strengthened the capacities of the Partnership member entities in designing strategies and developing sustainable production initiatives that address the effects of climate change, effectively integrating a gender-sensitive and cultural approach.

Triangular approach

The global challenge of moving towards sustainable production models that place value on social and environmental capital, without foregoing economic development, requires the commitment and contribution of all the actors in a given territory.

This Initiative effectively harnessed the knowledge and expertise of European and Latin American entities with substantial experience in sustainable production, as well as in the effective application of a gender-sensitive and cultural approach in the field of rural development, thus making it available to a network of public and academic stakeholders committed to development in the province of Sancti Spíritus. At the same time, this knowledge was applied directly to a number of farms, serving as an excellent test bed and yielding useful insights that can be easily replicated in other areas.

The participation of the Ministerio de la Agricultura (Ministry of Agriculture - MINAG) and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment - CITMA) / Subdelegación de Medio Ambiente Sancti Spíritus (Regional Office for the Environment), their strong commitment to the Partnership and their involvement in the Initiative helped lay the foundation for a significant leap forward at the national level, in terms of the knowledge generated and the networks created, which is now available to both ministries to be replicated throughout the country.

Sectoral approach - Contribution to the 2030 Agenda

Primary SDG

Goal 5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere

Secondary SDG

Goal 3.7 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.


Goal 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

Goal 17.1 Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection

Territorial approach

Intervention methodology

The intervention methodology was based on the combination of collaborative work between the professionals of the Partnership member entities, featuring their joint participation in key events (among which the study visits are worth noting) and the practical application of the knowledge shared from the outset (especially its direct application in a number of farms or production units). This joint work also led to new ways of working among the local entities, resulting in successful collaboration.

The backbone of the Initiative has been the four study visits to the three participating countries.

The first study visit to Cuba allowed professionals from the Partnership entities to share their knowledge with one another and with other professionals from the selected farms, together with women farmers and producers, resulting in the practical application of this expertise. The visit also served to jointly define the objectives and contents of the following activities, in particular the two study visits to Mexico and the study visit to Spain.

The two study visits to Mexico, with several Cuban participants that included UNISS professors and researchers, focused on efficient food production in general, and in particular on agricultural diversification and efficient water use. There was a particular emphasis on beekeeping production, as both Guanajuato and Sancti Spíritus have a long-standing beekeeping tradition and a significant number of producers working in this sector. In this regard, various productive units and farms were visited throughout the State of Guanajuato.

Lastly, the study visit to Spain focused on sustainable agriculture, visiting several public, private, social and academic entities, as well as productive units in the Autonomous Region of Castilla-La Mancha. The visit also focused on fair trade and organic trade.

In addition to the visits, two studies were carried out: the 'Assessment with a Gender-based Approach' and the 'Study on Cultural Traditions in Sancti Spíritus and Guanajuato', which gathered input from the entire experience of the Initiative, and which will help to further develop cross-cutting approaches and apply them in rural areas within the framework of sustainable production interventions. Both studies were carried out by the UNISS Women and Family Chair and the findings were presented at the closing workshop.

In parallel to the visits, several workshops were also held to provide an in-depth look at some of the key topics: efficient use of water, beekeeping, the contribution of agriculture to mitigating the effects of climate change, fair trade and organic trade, among others. The workshops took place in person in Sancti Spíritus and in Guanajuato, with the aim of enabling the participation of the greatest number of Partnership entities, as well as professionals from the selected farms and women farmers. Virtual contributions were also made from professionals who were not able to attend in person, through pre-recorded training modules.

Lastly, the Initiative concluded with a closing workshop held in person in Sancti Spíritus. During the workshop, the practical application of knowledge in the selected farms was systematised, the development processes generated were analysed, and the two above-mentioned studies were presented, which allowed the focus to be placed on the added value of the effective incorporation of a gender-sensitive and cultural approach. The findings are of great use to all the Partnership entities, both in terms of the challenges they face in the field of rural development in the province of Sancti Spíritus and with regard to the different development processes they are committed to in other provinces of Cuba. 

Direct beneficiaries (individuals)

According to Rule 9 of the Guidelines for Applicants: all persons participating in the activities of the Initiative.

This Initiative had 355 direct beneficiaries, divided into two main groups:

On the one hand, 115 professionals from the Partnership entities participated and played a key role in the study visits, making them particularly relevant both during and after the Initiative.

To this figure we must add a significant number of professionals (240 people) from the selected farms, as well as women farmers and producers from Sancti Spíritus and Guanajuato, who participated in the activities that took place in Cuba and Mexico and have already begun to put the knowledge acquired into practice. 


EU contribution: 53,802.13 €

Co-financing - Triangular Cooperation Partnership: 25,872.39 €

Total budget: 79,674.52 €

The information gathered in this IMPACT section is the result of the first 'joint ex post analysis exercise' of the Initiative which, as foreseen in the policy framework of the ADELANTE Window, took place one year after the end of the implementation period.

For more information on these exercises, please consult the ADELANTE Window 2021 Impact Report.

Continuity of the Partnership

STARTING POINT: Existing North-South relationship that has was strengthened by the addition of Latin American and Caribbean partners as First providers.

The Partnership, as such, has not been consolidated and has not been maintained over time.

The member entities, while continuing to engage in bilateral collaboration, have not continued to work together in the core areas of the Initiative.

Application of generated knowledge

The knowledge generated has been partially applied by some Beneficiary entities, more in terms of concrete actions than at the policy level.

During its implementation, the Initiative involved final beneficiary groups (producer units).

Some of the Beneficiary entities has continued to work closely with these groups, who have benefited and have applied the knowledge generated during the Initiative.


Applying the generated knowledge has enabled the Beneficiary entities to successfully tackle the development challenge that gave rise to the Initiative with the necessary quality and guarantees.


The alignment of the knowledge generated with the challenges faced by the final beneficiary groups (productive units). 


The complex socio-economic situation in the beneficiary country.

Future perspectives

Maintain bilateral relations between Partnership member entities in order to identify new opportunities for the application of the knowledge generated, when the socio-economic situation of the beneficiary country allows for it.

For certain Beneficiary entities, maintaining support, monitoring and evaluating the application of the knowledge and the corresponding benefits by the final beneficiary groups.



Yes (2024)


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