Strengthening statistics on business


The Oficina Nacional de Estadística de la República Dominicana - ONE (National Statistics Office of the Dominican Republic) and the Instituto Nacional de Estadística de la República Oriental del Uruguay - INE (National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay) have a long history of working together in the field of statistics, particularly in the areas of censuses, surveys, automated technology in data processing, training in collection systems, as well as information systems for economic, social and demographic statistics.

In 2008, the ONE and the INE established a collaboration programme that has resulted in the development of several working tools, as well as joint data collection and analysis exercises that have strengthened the capacities of both entities. One of the most relevant outcomes of this programme has been the formulation of the Integrated Indicator System for Development (SINID) in the Dominican Republic and the launch of its pilot phase. Following its successful implementation, the system received financial support from the European Union for a second phase.

The Fundación para el Análisis y el Desarrollo Estratégico de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa - FAEDPYME (Foundation for the Analysis and Strategic Development of SMEs), in Spain, has extensive experience in the study of MSMEs in Latin America through the Network of Universities and Research Institutions on Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), making it an important regional actor in the process of disseminating data and transmitting knowledge on the sector. Within the framework of this Network, there has been frequent contact with the National Statistics Office of the Dominican Republic and the National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay, establishing a relationship where interests converge on the measurement of business statistics. As a result, these entities have formed a Triangular Cooperation Partnership to continue producing quality data, in order to support the development of public policies for the sustainable development of the productive sector.

Entities and roles

Beneficiary entities

First provider entities

Development challenges

Thanks to this Triangular Cooperation Initiative, the knowledge of the Partnership member entities in the development of economic statistics - with an emphasis on business statistics, analysis and the dissemination of data - has been used to develop tools that enable quality data to be produced, centred on the productive sector and with a strong focus on business.

As a result of this Initiative, the objective was to strengthen the measurement of business statistics by expanding their coverage and availability, thus improving the quality of statistical and analytical information for the business sector, as well as for the design, monitoring and evaluation of plans, programmes and public policies in this area.

This Triangular Cooperation Initiative sought to share the expertise of the Partnership entities in order to develop statistical information tools in the business sector, with an emphasis on MSMEs and centred on the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies for the productive sectors.

Triangular approach

The capacity to produce and analyse high quality official data is an indicator of the strength of government entities and their ability to ensure transparency and access to information. In addition, the capacity to produce timely and reliable information is essential for decision-making in both the public and private sectors, which has become a priority in the post-COVID crisis context to contribute to a rapid and sustainable recovery.

Studies carried out by FAEDPYME on the impact of COVID on MSMEs in the Ibero-American context highlight the consequences of the pandemic on productive activity, which triggered a series of negative effects that have weakened the economies of many countries, especially in Central America and the Caribbean. These studies have been very useful in establishing short-term economic revitalisation and impact mitigation strategies, but there is still a need for methodologies and tools that can collect and measure quantitative and qualitative data on a sustained basis, in order to help identify critical factors and opportunities for the productive sector in the medium and long-term.

The Plan Nacional Plurianual del Sector Público (PNPSP - National Multi-Year Public Sector Plan) of the Dominican Republic, within its quality of life agenda, has established a policy of data management for analysis and decision-making, seeking to improve the development of evidence-based public policies. To achieve the expected outcomes, priority was given to strengthening administrative records and economic surveys for timely monitoring and evaluation of impact indicators in business.

In line with this Plan, INE's experience in producing economic statistics was used to create an information management model for business statistics, based on censuses, surveys and the use of administrative records, as well as FAEDPYME's training and research capacities in the area of MSMEs.

This model improved the quality of the official statistics information provided by ONE and contributed to enhancing its scope of services, contributing to the development of better public policies and plans for the Dominican business sector. This model was developed with the aim of adapting it to other Latin American and Caribbean contexts, and can be used by other similar entities.

Sectoral approach - Contribution to the 2030 Agenda

Primary SDG

Goal 8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services

Goal 8.4 Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead

Goal 8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training

Secondary SDG

Goal 16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms


Goal 10.1 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average

Goal 17.19 By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries

Territorial approach

Intervention methodology

The work plan of the Initiative was designed to guarantee opportunities for knowledge exchange among the Partnership member entities, and to ensure that all entities that contributed to the data collection and input of ONE's statistical systems benefited from a training cycle led by FAEDPYME. To this end, six face-to-face and virtual activities were planned.

The Initiative began with a consultancy to provide an assessment and methodological approach on the National Statistics Office of the Dominican Republic's capacity for the production and dissemination of business statistics. This exercise was based on INE's best practices in the production of statistics, and was used for benchmarking to develop the business statistics information management model.

This was followed by two study visits, in which an initial visit was made to ONE in the Dominican Republic by INE and FAEDPYME staff, and a second visit was made by Dominican Republic ONE staff to INE in Uruguay. These two visits aimed to provide the opportunity to learn first-hand about the methodologies and tools of both entities for the preparation, production, analysis and dissemination of statistics and business indicators, focused on gender, youth and environmental issues.

In parallel, a study was carried out by FAEDPYME to develop an analytical document on the outcomes of the MSME module of the ENHOGAR 2022 survey in the Dominican Republic. In addition, a series of virtual workshops were held in which FAEDPYME shared the results of the study, as well as the research and strategic analysis techniques applied, which led to capacity building among the ONE and INE teams.

Lastly, an international seminar was held to present the outcomes of the Initiative and to share the business statistics information management model developed by the Partnership member entities throughout the Initiative, together with actors from the National Statistical System of the Dominican Republic, partner Ministries, the private sector and academia; thus contributing to a broader scope and sustainability of the outcomes.

Study visit: INE team visits ONE
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |04/08 October 2022


Study: Preparation of the MSME statistics overview based on the ENHOGAR 2022 survey
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |25 October 2022 - 18 March 2023


Study visit: ONE Team visits INE
Montevideo, Uruguay  |12-16 December 2022


Workshops: Research techniques and strategic analysis for the development of MSMEs
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |01 December 2022 - 24 March 2023


Seminar: Presentation of the Initiative outcomes for the strengthening of business statistics with a focus on MSMEs.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |13-15 March 2023


Direct beneficiaries (individuals)

According to Rule 9 of the Guidelines for Applicants: all persons participating in the activities of the Initiative.

The Initiative involved more than 150 direct beneficiaries, including 154 civil servants from public entities in charge of collecting information through administrative records, and who play an important role in the production and quality control of official statistics.

In addition, at least 20 people affiliated with the Partnership member entities benefited from participating in the planning and implementation of the Initiative's activities.


EU contribution: 78,400.03 €

Co-financing - Triangular Cooperation Partnership: 41,748.71 €

Total budget: 120,148.74 €

The information gathered in this IMPACT section is the result of the first 'joint ex post analysis exercise' of the Initiative which, as foreseen in the policy framework of the ADELANTE Window, took place one year after the end of the implementation period.

For more information on these exercises, please consult the ADELANTE Window 2021 Impact Report.

Continuity of the Partnership

STARTING POINT: Existing South-South relationship that has been strengthened by the incorporation of EU partners as Second providers.

The Partnership has been strengthened and maintained over time.

The dynamic of collaboration and joint work has been maintained between all the Partnership member entities involved in the Initiative.

This dynamic has made it possible to identify new areas of collaboration with significant added value.

In addition, new entities have been incorporated. 

New Initiative in the framework of the ADELANTE Window 2023, in which a new entity has joined the Partnership.

Application of generated knowledge

The knowledge generated has been applied by all Partnership member entities.

During implementation, the Initiative involved final beneficiary groups (users of business statistics in the public, private and academic sectors).

All of the Beneficiary entities have continued to work closely with these groups, who have benefited from and applied the knowledge generated throughout the Initiative.


Applying this knowledge has enabled the Beneficiary entity to successfully tackle the development challenge that gave rise to the Initiative with the necessary quality assurance. At the same time, the other Partnership member entities have increased the impact of their interventions.


The relevance of the knowledge generated as a response to the challenges of the Beneficiary entities and the final beneficiary groups.
The relevance of the technical expertise of the Partnership member entities. Mutual trust and a good rapport between the individuals from the Partnership member entities.
The well-designed framework of relations throughout implementation of the Initiative, which has enabled political / institutional support at the highest level.

Future perspectives

Maintain the working dynamic of the Partnership and its receptiveness to new entities.

Continue efforts to apply knowledge by all Partnership entities.


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